As a part of your Methane Emissions Record Keeping regime the following electronic records must be retained by the duty holder for four years from the date they were created, unless otherwise noted, and provided to the AER upon request.
If a facility ID code has multiple sites, emission volumes and equipment inventories must be assigned to the site where the venting occurs or the equipment is located.
If a site has multiple facility ID codes, emission volumes and equipment inventories must be assigned to one facility ID code.
At each site, the calculations used to determine the monthly volume and monthly mass of methane from each of the following sources to comply with methane emissions record keeping requirements:
- Defined vent gas,
- Pneumatic instruments and pumps,
- Compressor seals,
- Glycol dehydrators, and
- Fugitive emissions
- Hours of equipment usage or activity rates used in the monthly calculations, and
- Supporting information, such as gas compositions, equipment test results, equipment or component numbers, gas density, conversion factors, and emission factors used in the monthly calculations.
Fugitive Emissions
- FEMP that is in effect,
- Survey results following the template in appendix 13,
- Results from any AER survey completed,
- Sites where access is restricted,
- Equivalency assessment of alternative survey method or equipment,
- Completed training programs and valid certifications for all individuals conducting fugitive emission surveys,
- Unrepaired fugitive emissions sources, retained until repair completed
- Confirmation of integrity of repair, including date of repair.
Pneumatic Devices
- Annual inventory, including make, model, tracking identifier, and legal survey location (LSD-SC-TWP-RGWM), by facility ID code;
- Metering data or test results to support an equipment-specific emission factors
- Documentation that demonstrates that control equipment meets the requirements for vent gas control in section 8.7.
- The MRRCP that is in effect.
- For sites with first production or equipment installed before January 1, 2022, the dates of equipment change for vent gas emissions management.
Reciprocating & Centrifugal Compressors
- Inventories of reciprocating and centrifugal compressors rated at least 75 kW, including
- compressor frame serial number or other unique identifier;
- legal survey location (LSD-SC-TWP-RGWM) and facility ID code;
- whether the equipment was installed before or after January 1, 2022;
- license number and licensee;
- compressor type (reciprocating or centrifugal);
- number of throws (if reciprocating);
- Seal type (dry or wet if centrifugal);
- whether seal vent is controlled or uncontrolled
- control device operating time, where applicable
- compressor seal change-out date
- the number of hours monthly a compressor was pressurized;
- compressor seal test results, in m3/hr;
- compressor seal test dates
Develop Your Fugitive Emissions Management Program with GreenPath
GreenPath integrated instrumentation experience and in-house expertise utilize a suite of emission quantification tools to accurately quantify sources of detected leaking and venting emission sources. Contact us today to discuss how you can comply and thrive in the current regulatory environment.