Fugitive Emission Studies
GreenPath specializes in fugitive emission studies in Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. With integrated instrumentation experience and in-house expertise we utilize a suite of emission quantification tools to accurately quantify sources of detected leaking and venting emission sources.
Fugitive emissions studies for methane and other gasses leaking from your projects could have costly consequences and put you in breach of industry regulations as specified by your local regulating authority. Fugitive emissions are a know source of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and are strictly regulated..
Our fugitive emission studies equip you to inventory and monitor sources of fugitive emissions. Our accredited team includes technicians to check all equipment (such as pumps, compressors, flanges, valves, connectors, pressure relief valves).
During the measurement process leaking components are tagged. The specially designed software is used to record the measurements, list the leaking parts that need repair and keep a documented history of each component. A report for every component is generated and the number of components to measure in the next survey is calculated.
The total plant emissions are calculated. Following the repair of identified equipment, we check if the repairs were successful, and update your records accordingly with a recalculated fugitive emissions total.
Take control of your sites and equipment while managing liability, safety and profitability.
Call GreenPath for a fugitive emission studies / surveys today.