Baseline and Reduction Opportunity Assessment Program ( BRO )

AER Directive 017

The Baseline and Reduction Opportunity Assessment Program ( BRO ) is an integral part of Alberta’s methane emission reduction initiative by identifying emissions sources and providing recommended solutions. The BRO Assessment program provides the information and data to support project evaluation and enable participation in available provincial and federal initiatives… Read more

Directive 017 and Directive 060 AER Amendments – May 12, 2020

Directive 060 OneStop Reporting

The following is a summary of the most relevant changes to directive 017 and 060 in the new editions of Directive 017: Measurement Requirements for Oil and Gas Operations and Directive 060: Upstream Petroleum Industry Flaring, Incinerating, and Venting, from the Alberta Energy Regulator. These changes were posted on the AER website on… Read more

Fugitive Emissions Monitoring: GreenPath CEO Josh Anhalt Talks “Predator Vision” on CBC

optical gas imaging (OGI)

Recently GreenPath’s CEO Josh Anhalt was profiled on CBC Radio Canada’s “Cost of Living“. The story focused on Fugitive Emissions Monitoring in particular the use of Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) technology to detect leaking methane, ethane, butane and other otherwise invisible gasses. GreenPath pioneered the techniques that are now seen… Read more